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Alpina | Red Bull The Edge

Alpina has unveiled its partnership with Red Bull on the “Red Bull The Edge” project. This virtual yet incredibly realistic climbing adventure leading to the top of the Matterhorn was developed in cooperation with the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne and instigated by Swiss film production company Garidi Films. The experience allows visitors to climb the final metres of the legendary Swiss mountain on a real climbing wall.

The project, named “Red Bull The Edge”, makes climbing the Matterhorn accessible to anyone who wants to do it, without venturing onto its precipitous rocks for real. Located outside the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne, a wooden pavilion echoing its triangular form contains a climbing wall for visitors to have a go on.

Thanks to cutting-edge 3D technology and equipped with VR glasses, foot and hand tracking sensors, as well as a climbing harness, climbers can set off on this incredibly realistic interactive adventure, complete with virtual reconstruction of the scenery and the experience of an actual climb. In addition, 4D effects such as wind, vibrations and textures bridge the gap between the real and the virtual, bringing to life a unique moment surpassing all existing virtual reality experiences.

Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, visitors are virtually equipped with an Alpina smartwatch complete with altimeter to advise them of their altitude during the ascent. A barometer also allows them to keep an eye on the weather conditions. 

Published on 2022-01-20